Hadley's 2013 dark comedy short film, The Talk, has been chosen as an official selection of the Phoenix Film Festival 2014, The Sun Valley Film Festival 2014, The Milwaukie Film Festival 2014, and the Black Dog Film Fest 2014. The film will be showing in the High School Shorts Category of the Phoenix Film Festival on both Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th and in the Milwaukie Film Festival on May 10th.
The Talk showed in the Future Filmmakers Forum category of the Sun Valley Film Festival from March 13-16th and the Black Dog Film Fest on the March 13th.
Click on the festival names above for more information on each screening and to purchase tickets.
The Talk showed in the Future Filmmakers Forum category of the Sun Valley Film Festival from March 13-16th and the Black Dog Film Fest on the March 13th.
Click on the festival names above for more information on each screening and to purchase tickets.